If you have attempted to unlock a bike, and the dock isn’t turning green, there may be a few reasons why it isn’t working:
The light on the dock is glowing red → a solid or blinking red light indicates this bike needs maintenance from our team and cannot be rented.
Something is wrong with the dock → occasionally, docks may have difficulty opening. Try making sure the bike is directly aligned with the dock, and check there is nothing in the basket or any other weight on the bike. If the dock continues to have issues, try another dock.
You may have an open rental → you can't take out a new bike until you have ended your last ride.
If your ride code hasn’t expired, try the same code again on a different dock with an available bike. If it still isn’t working, you can request a new code from the kiosk – just insert the original credit card you used and to be issued a new ride code. (You won’t be charged again.)